5 Quick Tips to Improve the Taste of Your Morning Coffee

Nothing beats a cup of fresh and delicious coffee to wake you up in the morning. However, if you find yourself having a not-so-delicious cup, your coffee might need improvement.

I’ve also had my fair share of bad coffee and I can tell you that you don’t have to continue drinking a bad cup of coffee. You can improve your morning coffee by following a few tips.

In this article, I will talk about 5 quick tips that you can follow to improve your morning coffee. With these simple tips, your coffee will go from bad to great!

In this article:

  • Use Freshly Ground Beans
  • Use The Right Grind Size
  • Sprinkle Some Salt Into Your Coffee
  • Use Quality Water
  • Add Some Spice to Your Coffee

1. Use Freshly Ground Beans

One sure way to get your coffee to taste good is to use freshly ground coffee. When you grind the coffee beans right before you brew your coffee, you are making sure that the aroma and flavor of the beans are still there.

Grinding coffee beans also keeps them fresh so you’ll have a better cup of coffee. If you do not have access to a coffee grinder, you can also buy pre-ground beans.

If you have a coffee roaster near you that sells coffee beans, you most likely can have them grind the beans for you. Just make sure to store the coffee grounds in a cool, dry, and dark place to keep their aroma and freshness.

If you have a grinder, it is best to grind the coffee beans that you will use for your cup of coffee. It may be tedious since you’ll be grinding each time you brew coffee, but this keeps your coffee fresh and delicious.

2. Use The Right Grind Size

When grinding coffee beans, it is best practice to grind the beans in the right size. If you have a specific type of brewing device, then this is important. Not doing so can affect the taste and quality of your coffee.

For example, a medium coarse grind is recommended if you have a French Press. A medium coarse grind allows a slower brewing process which results in a full-bodied cup of coffee.

If you use a fine grind in a French Press, the water will seep through quickly. You’ll also get a gritty coffee as the coffee grounds will also seep through the filter.

If you have an espresso machine, you want to use a fine grind since water passes through quickly to pull the espresso shots. 

3. Sprinkle Some Salt Into Your Coffee

If you are using pre-ground coffee or even instant coffee and you want to make it taste better, try adding a little bit of salt to your coffee. The salt will cut through the bitterness, especially if you drink black coffee. Adding salt can also enhance the nutty flavor of your coffee.

If you have a sensitive stomach, you can also lessen the acidity of the coffee by adding a little bit of salt to it. You can even add pink Himalayan salt to your coffee if you want a more saltier flavor without adding too much salt to your coffee.

However, make sure not to add too much salt to your coffee as doing so can lead to high blood pressure. Just a pinch or two of salt is fine to make your coffee taste good.

4. Use Quality Water

Another way to improve the taste of your coffee is to use quality water. Simply put, if you don’t like the taste of the water you are using, you won’t like your coffee either.

You can use tap water if it does not have a strong taste or odor as it can definitely affect the taste of your coffee. Using filtered or bottled water can improve the taste of your coffee if your tap water has a strong taste to it.

While we are on the topic of water, make sure to also have the right water temperature, especially if you are using brewing devices such as a French Press or a pour-over.

5. Add Some Spice to Your Coffee

Sometimes, the taste of coffee is not enough and you might need to add something to spice it up. Adding spices to your coffee can surely improve its taste, especially if you don’t like tasting just the coffee flavor.

Spices such as cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, star anise, black pepper, and even turmeric can add a nice kick to your coffee. If you don’t like warmer spices like these, you can always add some cocoa powder to give your coffee a chocolatey taste without overpowering the coffee flavors.

You can also experiment by mixing some of these spices together and see what combination works best for your coffee. Like adding salt, you don’t need to add a lot. A pinch or two of your preferred ground spice can already improve the taste of your coffee.

Final Thoughts

Unless you already have your brewing process down to a T, you’ll probably have a bad coffee day now and then. You might have a bad batch of coffee grounds or there is something off with the water you are using.

Using freshly ground coffee or as simple as adding salt and other warm spices to your coffee can definitely improve its taste!

I have included some quick tips to improve the taste of your coffee whether you grind your own coffee beans or just use pre-ground coffee. If you find yourself having bad coffee, think of these tips and you’ll surely have a better-tasting coffee next time!


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