How to make Dutch Bros Iced Mocha at Home – 5 Min Recipe

How to make Dutch Bros Mocha

If you're spending too much at Dutch Bros every day, give this recipe a shot! It's really simple, just a few ingredients. Blend them together, and you'll get a tasty and budget-friendly iced mocha..

Dutch Bros Iced mocha is a wonderful coffee treat that combines the rich flavor of chocolate with the boldness of coffee. It's a perfect pairing where the sweetness of chocolate perfectly complements the robustness of coffee, creating a delicious and satisfying drink.

Don't wait any longer! Try this recipe now and find out why the Dutch Bros Iced Mocha is such a crowd-pleaser!

In this article we'll cover:

  • What is a Dutch Bros Iced Mocha
  • Ingredients You Need to Make a Dutch Bros Iced Mocha
  • Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Recipe
  • Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Variations
  • Special Tips To Make Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Perfect
  • Nutritional Info Dutch Bros Iced Mocha
  • Frequently Ask Questions

If you're a fan of the Dutch Bro’s Mocha check out my other Dutch Bros Recipes:

What is a Dutch Bros Iced Mocha

Dutch Bros' iced mocha is a delicious coffee treat featuring espresso, chocolate sauce, and milk, all served over ice. This refreshing drink offers the delightful combination of coffee and chocolate flavors, making it perfect for those craving a cool and indulgent beverage.

Ingredients You Need to Make a Dutch Bros Iced Mocha


Espresso takes the spotlight in the Dutch Bros Iced Mocha, giving the drink its bold coffee taste.

To whip one up, you'll need two shots of espresso. It's crucial to use a robust espresso to maintain that bold flavor, especially when blending it with milk and syrups.

Espresso plays a vital role in chilled beverages like this, preventing the taste from getting watered down by the ice. Without espresso, the drink would lack that irresistible coffee kick we crave.

To replicate the Dutch Bros Iced Mocha at home, opt for their Private Reserve espresso as the foundation of your homemade version. You can access the link provided below to find it.

Dutch Bros Coffee Private Reserve Whole Bean

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Chocolate Sauce

When preparing a Dutch Bros Iced Mocha, incorporating chocolate sauce is an excellent way to amplify its chocolatey goodness. Chocolate sauce, a decadent syrup crafted from cocoa powder, sugar, and other ingredients, adds a rich and indulgent flavor to the drink.

To make your own Dutch Bros Iced Mocha at home, try adding Torani Dark Chocolate Sauce. It makes your iced mocha taste even better, with a richer and more indulgent flavor.

Torani Puremade Sauce, Dark Chocolate,

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Let's talk milk for your homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha! Adding milk can really make your drink extra delicious, especially on a hot day. Whether you like regular cow's milk or something different like almond, oat or soy milk, it's all about what you prefer.

Just pour your milk into your glass. Want it creamier? Add more milk. Craving sweetness? Adjust it how you like.

For your homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha, I suggest giving Califia Farms Extra Creamy Oat Milk a try. You can find it by following the link provided below.

Califia Farms - Extra Creamy Oat Milk

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When enjoying a Dutch Bros Iced Mocha, keeping it cold is key, which is why ice is a must-have. Adding more ice can make your drink bigger, but be careful—it might water down the flavor a bit.

Whipped Cream (Optional)

At Dutch Bros, they finish off their Iced Mocha with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Recipe

Here's a simple Dutch Bros Iced Mocha recipe that's great for enjoying on hot summer mornings to kickstart your day with a refreshing twist.

PREP TIME – 3 minutes
COOK TIME – 2 minutes
TOTAL TIME – 5 minutes


  1. 2 shots of Espresso (cooled)
  2. 1/2 cup (0.12 l) of milk
  3. 2 tbsp (30 grams) of chocolate sauce
  4. Ice cubes
  5. Whipped cream (optional)


  1. Put chocolate sauce in a tall glass.

  2. Pour in cooled brewed coffee and stir.

  3. Add some ice cubes until the glass is about halfway full.

  4. Slowly pour in the milk.

  5. Top with whipped cream.

  6. For extra flavor and a cool look, sprinkle a bit of dark chocolate on top.

  7. Serve right away for the most refreshing taste.


  • You can skip the whipped cream if you want, but it adds a yummy touch.

  • Stir the iced mocha before sipping or use a straw to enjoy it fully.

Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Variations

Dutch Bros offers several variations of their Iced Mocha to cater to different preferences. Here are a few popular options:

  1. Double Chocolate Iced Mocha: For the ultimate chocolate lover, this variation features an extra dose of chocolate flavor, making it rich and indulgent.

  2. Caramel Iced Mocha: Combining the sweetness of caramel with the richness of chocolate, this variation offers a perfect balance of flavors.

  3. Mint Iced Mocha: Refreshing and invigorating, the mint variation adds a cool twist to the classic Iced Mocha, perfect for hot summer days.

  4. Coconut Iced Mocha: Infused with tropical coconut flavor, this variation offers a unique and exotic twist to the traditional Iced Mocha.

  5. Peanut Butter Iced Mocha: A delicious combination of creamy peanut butter and chocolate, creating a decadent and satisfying drink.

These variations provide a range of flavor options to suit every taste bud, ensuring there's something for everyone to enjoy at Dutch Bros!

Special Tips To Make Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Perfect

Here are some special tips to make your Dutch Bros Iced Mocha just right:

  1. Quality Ingredients: Start with fresh and high-quality espresso, chocolate sauce, and milk for the best flavor.

  2. Balance the Flavors: Adjust the amounts of espresso, chocolate sauce, and milk to achieve your desired taste.

  3. Chill Ingredients: Ensure your brewed coffee and milk are chilled before making your iced mocha to keep it refreshing.
  4. Ice Ratio: Watch the amount of ice you add compared to the liquid to keep the flavor from getting diluted.

  5. Personalize: Get creative with toppings like whipped cream, chocolate shavings, or a drizzle of caramel to add your own twist to the drink.

  6. Serve Immediately: Iced mochas are best enjoyed fresh, so serve them right after making for maximum flavor and enjoyment.

With these tips, you'll nail that perfect Dutch Bros Iced Mocha every single time!

Nutritional Info Dutch Bros Iced Mocha

Curious about what's in this drink? Discover its calorie count, sugar content, and more to satisfy your curiosity!

Nutrition Facts Dutch Bros Mocha

Dutch Bros Iced Mocha


Final Thoughts

The Dutch Bros Iced Mocha Recipe is a tasty and cool coffee drink that's great anytime. It's simple to make at home and will surely impress your friends and family.

If you love fancy coffee, I hope this easy recipe becomes a favorite for you.

This Dutch Bros Iced Mocha brings together friendship, chocolate, and coffee, making life a little sweeter.

Frequently Ask Questions

Can I customize the sweetness level of my homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha?

Yes, you can customize the sweetness level of your homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha by adjusting the amount of chocolate sauce or syrup you add to the drink. Start with a small amount and taste as you go until you reach your desired sweetness.

Can I substitute regular chocolate syrup with sugar-free chocolate syrup in my homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha?

Yes, you can substitute regular chocolate syrup with sugar-free chocolate syrup in your homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha. Sugar-free chocolate syrup offers a lower-calorie option while still providing the delicious chocolate flavor you love in your drink.
How can I make my homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha extra special?
You can make your homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha extra special by adding flavored syrups like vanilla or caramel, sprinkling cocoa powder or chocolate shavings on top, or even adding a splash of your favorite liqueur for an extra indulgent touch.

How can I ensure my homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha tastes just like the one from the coffee shop?

Experiment with different ratios of espresso, chocolate sauce, and milk until you achieve a flavor profile that closely resembles the Dutch Bros Iced Mocha. Feel free to get creative and tweak the ingredients to match your taste preferences!

How can I make my homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha dairy-free?

To make your homemade Dutch Bros Iced Mocha dairy-free, you can use alternative milk options such as almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, or coconut milk instead of cow's milk. These dairy-free alternatives provide a creamy texture and work well in Iced Mochas. Simply choose your preferred dairy-free milk and follow the recipe as usual to create a delicious dairy-free version of Dutch Bros Iced Mocha.


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