The Best Ways to Make Coffee While Traveling

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Lots of travelers really like coffee for different reasons, whether they depend on it or simply enjoy the taste. Studies say 80 million Americans bring coffee when they travel. Most research shows that 73% of Americans drink coffee every day, and 40% of them travel during holidays.

Since so many folks love coffee, it makes sense to talk about how to make good coffee while traveling. Here are six easy ways to brew tasty coffee on the road.

Table of Contents:

  • Handpresso
  • Moka Pot
  • Percolator
  • AeroPress
  • French Press
  • Instant Coffee Sachets

How to Make Coffee With a Handpresso

The Handpresso is a coffee maker that's easy to carry because it's small and light. It's great for travelers. It works like a pump for a bike. Just add hot water and ground coffee beans, then press down with your hand. The coffee it makes is really strong, rich, and tastes like espresso. But it's made for one person to use at a time. So, if you're making coffee for a bunch of people, it might be tiring.

  1. Make sure the portafilter is clean and neat.

  2. Put in 2.5 tablespoons of ground coffee.

  3. Add hot water, wash the group head, and put it in.

  4. Start brewing right away and keep track of the time.

  5. Enjoy your coffee and tidy up the coffee maker.

Remember, the Handpresso coffee maker gives small servings at a time. So, keep an eye on the clock and how much coffee and water you're using.

How to Make Coffee With a Moka Pot

How to Make Coffee While TravelingThe Moka Pot is a coffee maker that adventurers use on the stove to brew coffee that's similar to espresso. However, the coffee from a Moka Pot isn't exactly like espresso. They taste and feel different. But, the Moka Pot is still a great pick for adventurers.

When you make coffee, hot water goes through the coffee grains into the pot. Then you can pour it out and drink. Alfonso Bialetti made this device in 1933. That's why some folks call it the Bialetti.

  1. Put water in the bottom part of the coffee maker. Make sure it's enough, but don't let it touch the valve.

  2. Put 2.5 tablespoons of coffee grounds in the filter basket.

  3. Close it and heat it up. The water will get hot, and pressure will push it through the coffee grounds.

  4. You might hear a hissing sound. After a while, you'll hear bubbling noises.

  5. Take it off the heat. Pour your coffee and enjoy!

The hissing noise happens when steam rises through the coffee into the upper pot. The bubbling noise means the upper chamber is filled with coffee up to the top level of the valve.

How to Make Coffee With a Percolator

Unlike the Moka Pot, the percolator comes from the US. They look alike, but there's a small difference. When you heat water in the bottom, it bubbles up through a tube into the top. The top has holes, so the water drips back down. A percolator is great for making coffee on the go. It's easy, fast, and easy to clean up.

  1. Get 2.5 tablespoons of ground coffee ready. You can measure and grind coffee beans yourself.

  2. Boil water in a separate pot and pour it into the percolator's bottom part.

  3. Fill the filter basket with coffee grounds and close it.

  4. Heat up the percolator.

  5. Brew the coffee while keeping an eye on the temperature.

  6. Take the percolator off the heat.

  7. Throw away the used grounds and pour out the coffee to serve.

How to Make Coffee With an AeroPress

AeropressThe Aeropress has become well-known among outdoor fans lately. Lots of adventurers think it looks like a big syringe. Picture a plastic tube with a plunger and filters at the ends. Even though folks call it big, it's no bigger than a sandwich box. It's great for travel and easy to pack because of its design. And it's handy because it can make both coffee and tea!

It's made of lightweight but strong plastic that's easy to carry in your backpack. Even though it's convenient for making coffee on the go, the AeroPress is also easy to clean up afterward.

  1. Boil a cup of water and measure about 2.5 tablespoons of coffee.

  2. Put a filter paper into a plastic cap. Wet the paper with hot water so it sticks.

  3. Put the Aeropress together without letting any air out.

  4. Place it on your scale and add the 2.5 tablespoons of coffee.

  5. Pour in the cup of water, around 500ml, it should be really hot.

  6. Stir the mixture for a few minutes.

  7. Flip the whole thing onto a cup and push it down. You'll hear a hissing noise when the coffee's ready.

  8. When it's done, take off the cap and take out the filter paper and the coffee grounds.

Now you can enjoy your cup of coffee (or tea!) with family and friends. The whole process should take less than 5 minutes.

How to Make Coffee With a French Press

French Press

The French press works a bit like an Aeropress but can make lots of coffee at once. What's great about the French press is that it's fast and you can trust it to work well. There are different kinds of French presses made from various materials, but they all work pretty much the same way.

The fanciest one is made of glass, but it's fragile and might break easily. If you care more about it lasting a long time than how it looks, go for one made of stainless steel or other tough materials.

  1. Hold the handle tight and pull the plunger up.

  2. Put in about 2.5 tablespoons of ground coffee.

  3. Pour hot water that's almost boiling into the pot and stir gently.

  4. Put the plunger back in, but don't let it touch the mixture. Push down slowly.

  5. Pour out the coffee, serve, and enjoy!

Decant the coffee and keep it if hot coffee isn’t your thing. Otherwise, keeping the mixture in the container will interfere with the overall taste of the coffee

How to Make Coffee With Instant Coffee Sachets

Last but definitely not least is making coffee using instant coffee sachets. This is by far the easiest and fastest way to make coffee. All you need is your cup, hot water, a spoon, and the sachet

  1. Begin by pouring the coffee powder into your container, and then add hot water to the mix.

  2. To prevent splashing, begin pouring gently, especially if the water is very hot. 

  3. To thoroughly stir the mixture, use a spoon. The instant coffee granules are more easily dissolved and distributed evenly when stirred.

  4. Taste your coffee and make any necessary adjustments to the additions. Depending on your desire, increase the milk or sugar.

  5. You may now enjoy your instant coffee! 

Final Thoughts

So, if you're traveling around the world, this guide helps you make coffee easily. Whether you're in a busy city or a quiet spot, you can enjoy your favorite brew.

With options like the Handpresso or a French press, you'll always have a tasty cup of coffee wherever you go.

Just follow the simple steps and enjoy your coffee on your adventures!

Frequently Ask Questions

Are there any safety tips to keep in mind while making coffee while traveling?

Be cautious when handling hot water and brewing equipment, especially if you're in unfamiliar surroundings. Make sure your brewing area is stable and secure to prevent spills or accidents. Additionally, be mindful of local customs and regulations regarding coffee consumption and disposal of coffee grounds.

What's the easiest way to make coffee while on a road trip?

Instant coffee sachets or portable coffee makers like the Handpresso are convenient options for making coffee while traveling in a car.

Can I bring my coffee maker on an airplane?

Yes, you can typically bring small coffee makers like a Handpresso or Aeropress in your carry-on luggage. However, it's essential to check the airline's specific regulations and restrictions before packing.

How do I adjust my coffee brewing method when traveling to a different country?

Consider factors like available water quality, voltage compatibility for electric coffee makers, and local coffee customs when adjusting your brewing method while traveling to different countries.

How do I store coffee beans or grounds while traveling?

Use airtight containers or resealable bags to store coffee beans or grounds while traveling to maintain freshness and prevent spills.



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